| Official Site


Quotes — Official site of Tim Lefebvre, bassist of Whose Hat Is This?, Donny McCaslin, and David Bowie's Blackstar ★. Includes news, biography, tour dates, discography, gallery, videos, gear, press, and store.


Press Quotes

“Tim Lefebvre is one of the rare musical multilinguists” — Bass Musician Magazine

“Lefebvre play[s] like a man who ha[s] left virtuosity back in the playground.” — The Guardian

“Rocketing between New York and Los Angeles, Tim Lefebvre is quickly carving out a bold and progressive vision of what a contemporary bassist can and should be.” — Premier Guitar

“Lefebvre possesses one of the largest sounds on the electric four-string in music today…” — The Arts Fuse

 “Lefebvre has a deep groove sensibility and clear desire to find the dirtiest, funkiest bass tones known to man.” — No Treble


Fan Quotes

“...oh, yer smutty little syncopations at the tiny desk, arrr...”